Thanks to Steven Rochlin at Enjoy the Musiccom and to reviewer Ron Nagle. Very pleased you enjoyed the Kim.
“It has an expansive stage as it sounds as though one can almost step into and join the performance with Fink Team’s Kim speaker! What I needed was all there painting the back wall of my room; height, incredible depth, and width these speakers do what I love. A wide-open sound stage with wonderful detail and lots of air. Simply beautiful!” Ron Nage Enjoy The Music
“It has an expansive stage as it sounds as though one can almost step into and join the performance with Fink Team’s Kim speaker! What I needed was all there painting the back wall of my room; height, incredible depth, and width these speakers do what I love. A wide-open sound stage with wonderful detail and lots of air. Simply beautiful!”
Ron Nage
Enjoy The Music
Click on the link to read the full review: [Review]
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